7 Easy Strategies To Make Proofreading a Game Changer for Your Writing
Alice Goldbloom Alice Goldbloom

7 Easy Strategies To Make Proofreading a Game Changer for Your Writing

When we publish on an open platform like Medium, WordPress, Substack, or LinkedIn, most of us don’t have the luxury of having our work professionally edited or proofread. Spell check and grammar apps are excellent tools, but they will only take you so far. The tedious task of proofreading inevitably falls to the writer.

As a reader, I rarely continue to read past typos and errors in a text. Everyday Medium publication editors receive hundreds of stories for consideration and will likely pass if there are typos, grammar mistakes and formatting errors.

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How Do You Find the Courage to Write?
Alice Goldbloom Alice Goldbloom

How Do You Find the Courage to Write?

Writing is similar to extreme sports. It demands determination, intense training, pushing yourself to your limits and beyond — it takes courage. And it is not hard to pinpoint what holds a person back: fear.

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